Keeping the Heart

SMILING pleasures,
Glitt'ring treasures,
Spreading all their dangers round,
Warn my steering,
Always fearing,
As through life my course I sound.

Example alarms
With vice's strong arms;
And fashion's follies unite,
To draw me away,
From virtue's high way,
To sin's illusive delight.

Sense inviting,
Passions fighting,
For indulgence of their joy;
Whither fleeing,
Shall my Being,
Here, in safety time employ?

With diligent ward,
Each avenue guard
That opens access to the heart.
The fountain is there
Which, turbid or fair,
The streams to life will impart.

From desiring,
From admiring
Fruit unlawful, check thy thought.
Won by praising,
And by gazing,
Eve to pluck the charm was brought.

Warm fancy withstand;
The work of her hand
To dash, no minute delay.
Yea, ere she begin,
Her painting of sin,
Quick snatch her pencil away.
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