To the Lady Anne Glemmam, Upon the Death of Her Noble Father
To lye downe vnder Crosses , is to lye
in our Confusion: for, that's Cowardize
And hath no taste of true Humilitie
then, such prostration is an abiect Vice .
Nor is't the Way from Crosses to be free
to sinke beneath the Crosse , which weighes the more
The more we, vnder it, so, humbled be;
but HEE that bore your Sinnes It stoutly bore.
Yet is the Crosse impos'd to humble vs;
nor, is't remou'd, till we be humble made;
How much more low , so much more glorious:
(so as the Crosse doth vs noTouer-lade)
Then if we meeke be made, we winne by losse ,
And cut a Crowne of Glory from the Crosse .
in our Confusion: for, that's Cowardize
And hath no taste of true Humilitie
then, such prostration is an abiect Vice .
Nor is't the Way from Crosses to be free
to sinke beneath the Crosse , which weighes the more
The more we, vnder it, so, humbled be;
but HEE that bore your Sinnes It stoutly bore.
Yet is the Crosse impos'd to humble vs;
nor, is't remou'd, till we be humble made;
How much more low , so much more glorious:
(so as the Crosse doth vs noTouer-lade)
Then if we meeke be made, we winne by losse ,
And cut a Crowne of Glory from the Crosse .
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