To Lady Manners

All your sweet melodious lore
Fancy! tribute to her bring,
Gift her with your choicest store,
Her, that can so sweetly sing!

Pour before her vision'd eye
Scenes that You alone can give,
Bid all earth-born musings fly,
Bid Your Fascinations live!

When the gold-skies in the west
Sweetly vivid dyes array,
In Perspective richly drest
Beauteous Sun-Set to display,

Rouse for her the dormant notes
That the Forest lately heard,
Gift the waken'd warblers' throats,
Tune anew each trilling bird.

Not the pensive Nightingale
Wake to join its plaintive moan,
For its softest tenderest tale
Manners gives in sweeter tone.

Spread around her pleasing Shades
Where the Mountain towers so high!
As the Day-stream wholly fades
Wake Your Splendors through the sky.

Deck for her each starry gleam
With a ray beyond its own,
Bidding Your Effulgence beam
And the gloomy Night dethrone.

Lead where waves, in progress fleet
Risen midst the rocky shore,
Slow, unwillingly, retreat,
And in sorrow, ceaseless, roar.

Where the tottering Abbey lours
Bid the Fair-one, musing, rove,
Pine that Time's corrosive powers
Raze the haunts of Faith and Love!

Ponder on the mouldering wall,
Mark where toppled Arches lie,
Tremble as the grey piles fall,
As the Gothic Wonders fly!

Let the ivy'd Towers that swell
Cross the black and barren Moor,
To the weeping Beauty tell
Days of Chivalry are o'er!

There no more, in Tourneys grand,
Break the Lance shall steel-clad Knight,
Or there vaunt from Foreign Land
Rival Charms of Lady bright!

But there Solitude shall charm
Glades that glistering Luna decks,
Though midst sweetly soothing Calm
Stretching Shade her fulgence checks.

Hark! there Manners strikes her Lyre,
Vocal makes deserted Plains,
Sings them with poetic fire,
How they're graced in her sweet Strains!
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