Lines on the Credit Valley Trip

The Credit Valley Railway company having placed a car at the disposal
of the Ingersoll corporation, the Council kindly asked us to accompany
them to Toronto, a short time after the opening of the road.

Whene'er we take a tour abroad,
We love to travel o'er new road,
Where scenery to us is new
And landscape pleasing to the view.
When invited for to rally,
And take a trip on Credit Valley,
We resolved for to afford
A day with Council and School Board,
For to view the rural charms
Of hills and dales and fertile farms.
With joy we saw the sunbeams gleam
On Grand River, beauteous stream,
And those perpendicular walls
Of rock, like old baronial halls.
We saw the great lake ebb and flow,
And Queen City of Ontario,
While some enjoyed the genial smile
Of Hanlon, on his lake girt isle.
Returning home, each one exclaims
'Happiest spot is banks of Thames.'

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