Lines to The Rev. Dr. Fordyce

When kind Instruction thus exerts her care,
And paints Religion with a smile so fair,
When meekly wise, she trembles to reprove,
As firm as Wisdom, yet as mild as Love!
Then soft conviction, with resistless art,
Shall grave her precepts on the ductile heart,
Shall teach the pow'rs of Nature to unfold,
And turn, with potent touch, her dross to gold.

Oh thou! whose eloquence, inspir'd by Truth,
Attracts the ear of light unthinking Youth;
Oh thou! whose gen'rous, whose paternal care,
Leads the gay wanderer from each tempting snare!
When taught by Heaven and thee, her steps shall gain
The awful heights of Virtue's blest domain;
In that bright temple, where her vot'ries join,
A glorious recompence shall THERE be thine;
Her fairest daughters shall thy zeal proclaim,
And 'grave on adamant F ORDYCE 's Name!
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