Love and Art -

Help thou me with my Art!
That thus the beauty which I worship so
May flush the world's sad cheeks with summer glow
And comfort many a heart.

Clear is our duty high.
Thou hast the gift of beauty; I can sing;
We have to bless the wintry world with spring
And sunlight, thou and I.

Help me the world to teach.
Teach me all lessons gracious with thine eyes:
Be ever, love, the most divine surprise
That e'er moved songful speech.

Teach me love's secrets deep.
That I may move the world, inspire thou me
And fill my spirit with the sense of thee
Till sweet thoughts make me weep.

Love must not make us blind.
We have to help the world and make it glad:
Thou by thy beauty, I by song must add
New riches to mankind.

Just gaze at me, and I
Will sing so that the world must gaze at thee
And catch the passionate refrain from me,
Prolong it when I die.
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