Love to God for His Holiness

COME , Holy Spirit! Come, enflame
Our lukewarm Hearts with sacred Fire:
May all our Passions, to Thy Name,
In Transports most refin'd, aspire.

May Love sublime our Hearts possess,
From every selfish Mixture free,
Fir'd with the Charms of Holiness,
The Beauty of Divinity.

We see the Beauty of Thy Grace,
That saves rebellious Worms from Hell:
But ah! the Charms of Holiness
We dimly see, and faintly feel.

Selfish and mercenary Views
Are with our purest Passions mixt:
A nobler Passion, Oh! infuse,
On Holiness supremely fixt.

Thus in the glorious Worlds on high,
Where Holiness is most ador'd,
Th' Angelic Choirs incessant cry,

Refine our Hearts, inspire our Tongue,
And We in humble Notes below
Will imitate the heav'nly Song,
And eccho “HOLY, HOLY,” too.
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