A Lover's Quarrel

" He may go to the Dickens for me " ,
" You're a gentleman truly " , said she,
" Yes, and you may go, too —
I believe it is true,
That you care for him more than for me. "

" Now, did anyone ever " , said she,
" And to speak in that manner to me;
" Would I marry him? No!
To be spoken to so,
And I'll go back and tell him " , said she.

" Now, my pot's on for ever, " said he,
" But I'll not knuckle under, not me,
In a hole I am stuck,
But it's only my luck,
But, hello! she is coming " , said he.

" What a brute I have been, dear, " said he,
" Will you try to forgive me? " sobbed she.
With her head on his breast,
But, on bother the rest,
Two such donkeys I never did see.
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