The Loves of the Isis
A Girl , on amorous follies bent,
From Oxford a Knight-errant went;
A Connoisseur in love-devices,
Though in her teens; — they call'd her Isis .
A Shepherd-youth, in mean attire,
Won the fair prize; and Fame's no liar.
Discretion frown'd; — but Nature smil'd,
And Miss grew thoroughly with child; —
The little Rake's adopted name
(For he had none at first) was Thame .
She took him with her on the journey,
Without a Parson or Attorney;
She gave him wine — she gave him clothes —
And many a kiss, but never blows.
In time, this Helen was a Mother
Of Twins, a Sister and its Brother;
The Girl a Courtier's Wife became,
And Westminster the Husband's name;
The Boy was in a Banker's care,
And stole the Daughter of Lord Mayor ,
Who said, " It 's done, and can't be un -done; "
Adopted him, and call'd him London .
From these, and from the Courtier's Wife,
A matchless Race have sprung to life;
Whose fame and riches, arts and worth,
Adorn and people half the earth.
From Oxford a Knight-errant went;
A Connoisseur in love-devices,
Though in her teens; — they call'd her Isis .
A Shepherd-youth, in mean attire,
Won the fair prize; and Fame's no liar.
Discretion frown'd; — but Nature smil'd,
And Miss grew thoroughly with child; —
The little Rake's adopted name
(For he had none at first) was Thame .
She took him with her on the journey,
Without a Parson or Attorney;
She gave him wine — she gave him clothes —
And many a kiss, but never blows.
In time, this Helen was a Mother
Of Twins, a Sister and its Brother;
The Girl a Courtier's Wife became,
And Westminster the Husband's name;
The Boy was in a Banker's care,
And stole the Daughter of Lord Mayor ,
Who said, " It 's done, and can't be un -done; "
Adopted him, and call'd him London .
From these, and from the Courtier's Wife,
A matchless Race have sprung to life;
Whose fame and riches, arts and worth,
Adorn and people half the earth.
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