Love's Opportunity
Two lovers by the old front gate,So young and all alone!
The village clock tolls: Late! Late! Late!
Twelve times in solemn tone.
“No! No!”
A deep voice says aloud,
“Sweetheart, don't go
Till the moon goes under a cloud.”
The Queen of Night rides high in space,
Serenely bright and fair;
Her kisses gild the young swain's face,
The maiden's glossy hair.
'Tis late,
And all their vows are vowed:
Why wait, and wait,
Till the moon goes under a cloud?
The fair girl's dewy lips repeat:
“Good night is not good-by.”
But love in youth is very sweet,
And village maids are shy.
Dear one,
With head so sweetly bowed—
Don't run, don't run,
Till the moon goes under a cloud.Englishlove poemlove poemslove poems for herlove poetrypoems about loveromantic poems
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