Making Stew in a Flower Pot
It's important to keep a good attitude at the end of things. Armageddon can ruin your day, but don't let it! You may see flooding, but don't be fooled. The Earth will end in fire — cold blue fire. In Ecuador and Azerbijian and the Ivory Coast, there will be some yellow and orange flames, so watch the weather forecast. When the stars fall and the sky is full of darkness, don't worry, the stars aren't falling on you (unless you're the worst kind of NFL fan or Muslim or Evangelist.) Wait until they cool off and harvest their cores for impressive pendants. Locusts, lesions, and legions of undead relatives can cause some discomfort if they want to spend the weekend and most pharmacies will be closed, especially in Mesopotamia. Therefore, don't scratch anything as it will leave a deep furrowed scar of distress which the judges won't take kindly to as you approach their desks stacked with paperwork and the ugly reams of the Book of your life. Smile and make small talk — a good first impression goes a long way.
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