Mary, Queen of Heaven
The infinite power essenciall
Me thoght I sawe, verrement,
Proceding from his trone celestiall
To a dere damsell that was gent.
Songes melodious was in their tent
Of Angells, singing with gret solemnite,
Before a quene whiche was present.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Tota pulchra, to the lilly like.
She was set withe saphures celestiall.
The odour of hir mouthe aromatike
Did coumford the world universall.
Moche clerer she was then the crystall.
She is the flowre of all formosite,
Devoide of actes criminall.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Oleum effusum, to languentes medsine,
A " Maria" by denominacioun,
Fulgent as the beame celestine,
Called unto hir coronacioun.
Phebus persplendent made his abdominacioun,
Devoiding all in tenebrosite,
For gret love of hir exaltacioun
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Right diligent were the minstrells divine,
Trones and dominaciones for to expresse,
Angells, Archangells, dubbit in doctrine,
To ministre to that regall arrayed in richesse.
The Prince perpetuall spake to that Princesse,
Smiling in his suavite,
" Columba mea, the cloistre of clandnesse,
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
" Surge, true tabernacle of virginite,
Bothe mother and maiden inculpable,
Cum furthe of thy consanguinite
Unto glorye incomparable."
Then kneled this orient and amiable
Before the Pellicane of perpetuete,
And he crowned that regient venerable.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
By the spectable splendure of hir fulgent face
My sprete was raveshed and in my body sprent.
Inflamed was my hert with gret solace
Of the luciant, corruscall resplendent.
Then this curious cumpany, incontinent,
Withe the seraphinnes in their solemnite
Solemply sang this subsequent.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
" O! Deifere delicate and doghter divine,
Mother of mercy and meiden mellefluous,
Devoide of disceite, dubbit in doctrine,
Trone of the Trinite, treite thou for us.
Us defende from the dongeon dolorous,
And bring to abide in blisse withe thee,
There to love our God most glorious."
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Me thoght I sawe, verrement,
Proceding from his trone celestiall
To a dere damsell that was gent.
Songes melodious was in their tent
Of Angells, singing with gret solemnite,
Before a quene whiche was present.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Tota pulchra, to the lilly like.
She was set withe saphures celestiall.
The odour of hir mouthe aromatike
Did coumford the world universall.
Moche clerer she was then the crystall.
She is the flowre of all formosite,
Devoide of actes criminall.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Oleum effusum, to languentes medsine,
A " Maria" by denominacioun,
Fulgent as the beame celestine,
Called unto hir coronacioun.
Phebus persplendent made his abdominacioun,
Devoiding all in tenebrosite,
For gret love of hir exaltacioun
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
Right diligent were the minstrells divine,
Trones and dominaciones for to expresse,
Angells, Archangells, dubbit in doctrine,
To ministre to that regall arrayed in richesse.
The Prince perpetuall spake to that Princesse,
Smiling in his suavite,
" Columba mea, the cloistre of clandnesse,
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
" Surge, true tabernacle of virginite,
Bothe mother and maiden inculpable,
Cum furthe of thy consanguinite
Unto glorye incomparable."
Then kneled this orient and amiable
Before the Pellicane of perpetuete,
And he crowned that regient venerable.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
By the spectable splendure of hir fulgent face
My sprete was raveshed and in my body sprent.
Inflamed was my hert with gret solace
Of the luciant, corruscall resplendent.
Then this curious cumpany, incontinent,
Withe the seraphinnes in their solemnite
Solemply sang this subsequent.
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
" O! Deifere delicate and doghter divine,
Mother of mercy and meiden mellefluous,
Devoide of disceite, dubbit in doctrine,
Trone of the Trinite, treite thou for us.
Us defende from the dongeon dolorous,
And bring to abide in blisse withe thee,
There to love our God most glorious."
Ecce virgo, radix Jesse.
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