A Melancholy Fitt

Wellcome wellcome pretty little lasses
 wellcome to towne againe
Hath Phebus not beene nibblinge at youre faces
 a cruell kiss to gaine
 Youre absens made
 me sitt full sad
apipinge by the fier
Whilst to the stones
 I told my moanes
 to satisfy desire

O whether whether hath youre fortune ledd you
 youre stay hath done me wronge
vnto what pleasinge obiectes hath she ledd you
 that you haue stayd so longe
 In vayne I wisht
 yet still I mist
the thinge I most desird
my eyes I wipte
 & still I pipte
 till hope my fancy firde

Neuer neuer will I lett you ramble
 so longe from home agen
my poore hart for feare begun to wamble
 what silly fooles are men
 But now I haue
 you heere I craue
of you this louinge boone
that lasses when
 you walk agen
 you would accept of John.
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