To the Memory of the Rev. James Flint, D. D.

Much-loved Pastor! thou hast gone
To thy longed-for home of rest;
Suffering past, and duties done,
Thou with heavenly peace art blest.

With the Sabbath's closing hour,
Peaceful passed thy life away;
Fell disease had lost its power,
Naught thine upward flight could stay.

We would follow, but in vain,
With our feeble, earthly sight;
Faith alone those heights can gain,
See thee midst the dazzling light.

Where thou dost communion hold
With loved spirits gone before;
And in thine embrace enfold
Near and dear, to part no more.

Let thy Holy Spirit, Lord,
Comfort to the mourners bring;
Such the promise of thy Word,
To that promise, Lord, we cling.

May it in our hearts renew
Holy zeal, and fervent love;
Till again his face we view
In our Father's house above.
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