The Merry Hay-Makers; or, Pleasant Pastime between the Young-Men and Maids, in the Pleasant Meadows

In our Country, in our Country
Where Rufferlers was a raking;
And the rarest pastime that ever you see,
was when Hay-cocks they were a making, to be

There's Timmy, and Tommy, with bottle and bag,
as soon as the Lasses beheld them,
Because they did not give them what they did lack,
adzuggers they swore they would geld 'em, to be

And did you not know one Vulking the Smith,
and Mary that went to the Dairy;
O give me quoth she, a thing that is stiff,
and make me look Buxom and Airy, to be

And down in a Dale was tumble down Dick

with Mary, and Sarah, and Susan,
They being in haste for to play the old trick,

they leap'd into bed with their shooes on, to be

And some they Fork, and some they will Rake
when merrily they were a quaffing.
And if you had seen how Jones Buttocks did wag
'twould a broke a Man's side out of laughing, to be

Young Bridget came next, and plaguily vext,
with fury she fell upon Robin.
His Clater-de-vengeance adzuggers she claw'd,
'cause he with young Kate had been bobing, to be

With that he made bold with speed to take hold
of Bridget's young Chitter-de-widgeon,
He threw her along but did it no wrong;
because it was just upon fledging, to be.

Her Mother came by, and as she drew nigh,
the sight put her into a laughter,
His Buttocks she bang'd and bid him he hang'd,
for playing the fool with her Daughter, to be

The Men and the maids, they love their Comrades,
above any Paltry Riches,
Quoth Nancy to Dick adzuggers i'm sick
for something thou hast in thy Breeches, to be.

What sayst thou me so, then to it we'll go,
thou shalt have thy earnest desire;
For thou art the Lass, I swear by the Mass,
which I above all do admire, to be.

At making of Hay they frolick and play
as you may observe by this Ditty,
And when they are Crack'd, away they are pack'd,
for Virgins, away to the City, to be.
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