Mistaken School-men, you who vainly strive
Mistaken School-men , you who vainly strive
Just Notions of Eternal Bliss to give,
By dull comparison with things below,
Saphers , and Diamonds, Chrystal Gold , and Light ;
By lessening Objects, time , and pains bestow
To Paint , what cannot be conceiv'd by sight .
Henceforth the Sacred Mansion to display,
(And tell us what you mean , by what ye say )
Describe Great JAMES , and [ LAURA's ] Coronation Day !
Tell, how they sate Enthron'd with Rays of light ,
What Hosts of Angels did Adore the sight .
Describe the Hallelujah's of the Crowd ,
When thrice with joyful cries they gave Assent aloud:
Tell, how the awful Monarch Mounted stood
And by the best of Mortals make us guess the GOD .
Tell us, that so Mount SINAI's top He blest,
When to his People he dispenc'd the Law ,
When shining Glories all the God-head drest,
And all below ador'd the wonder that they Saw !
And when the Ministering Powers ye would express,
Describe the Reverend Clergy in Pontifick dress.
And who would tell us how th' Almighty speaks,
When Angels bow with awful list'ning down!
From Ely 's Sermon , the best Rhetorick takes;
Ely , that Ornament of the still Loyal Gown :
And when Heav'ns brightness ye would make appear,
Behold the QUEEN , and copy it all from Her .
Mistaken School-men , you who vainly strive
Just Notions of Eternal Bliss to give,
By dull comparison with things below,
Saphers , and Diamonds, Chrystal Gold , and Light ;
By lessening Objects, time , and pains bestow
To Paint , what cannot be conceiv'd by sight .
Henceforth the Sacred Mansion to display,
(And tell us what you mean , by what ye say )
Describe Great JAMES , and [ LAURA's ] Coronation Day !
Tell, how they sate Enthron'd with Rays of light ,
What Hosts of Angels did Adore the sight .
Describe the Hallelujah's of the Crowd ,
When thrice with joyful cries they gave Assent aloud:
Tell, how the awful Monarch Mounted stood
And by the best of Mortals make us guess the GOD .
Tell us, that so Mount SINAI's top He blest,
When to his People he dispenc'd the Law ,
When shining Glories all the God-head drest,
And all below ador'd the wonder that they Saw !
And when the Ministering Powers ye would express,
Describe the Reverend Clergy in Pontifick dress.
And who would tell us how th' Almighty speaks,
When Angels bow with awful list'ning down!
From Ely 's Sermon , the best Rhetorick takes;
Ely , that Ornament of the still Loyal Gown :
And when Heav'ns brightness ye would make appear,
Behold the QUEEN , and copy it all from Her .
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