The Moral Hero

With heart that trusteth still,
Set high your mark;
And, though with human ill
The warfare may be dark,
Resolve to conquer, and you will.

Resolve; then onward press,
Fearless and true:
Believe it, Heaven will bless
The brave, and still renew
Your hope and courage in distress.

Press on, nor stay to ask
For friendship's aid:
Deign not to wear a mask,
Nor wield a coward's blade,
But still persist, though hard the task.

Rest not: inglorious rest
Unnerves a man.
Struggle: 'tis God's behest.
Fill up life's little span
With godlike deeds; it is the test, —

Test of the high-born soul
And lofty aim;
The test in History's scroll
Of every honored name.
None but the brave shall win the goal.

Go act a hero's part,
And in the strife
Strike with a hero's heart
For liberty and life:
Ay, strike for Truth; preserve her chart.

Her chart, unstained, preserve;
'Twill guide you right:
Press on, and never swerve,
But keep your armor bright,
And struggle still, with firmer nerve.

Error must fall at last;
It is ordained:
Old creeds are crumbling fast;
But, ere the victory's gained,
Heroes must strike, — the die is cast!

What though the tempest rage;
Buffet the sea;
Where duty calls, engage;
And, ever striving, be
The moral hero of the age.
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