To My Daughter Blanche In Heaven.
Died Jan. 4th, 1893, aged 11 years.
Darling of my bosom,
Pride of my loving heart,
Hopes were sorely shattered
When I saw your life depart;
In you I saw my future,
Cheered by your smile and voice,
Sorrow ceased its frowning,
My spirit would rejoice.
Life was made much brighter
By your presence sweet;
At your cheery coming
Heart-shadows would retreat;
Soulful songs with meanings
Beyond your years were sung;
To chords of sweetest rapture
Your heart-strings e'er were strung.
From out the realms of heav'n
Still you speak to me,
And fancy draws the curtain
That I your face may see;
Perhaps in the hereafter
I yet may fully know
The purpose of your going,
Your mission here below.
Darling of my bosom,
Pride of my loving heart,
Hopes were sorely shattered
When I saw your life depart;
In you I saw my future,
Cheered by your smile and voice,
Sorrow ceased its frowning,
My spirit would rejoice.
Life was made much brighter
By your presence sweet;
At your cheery coming
Heart-shadows would retreat;
Soulful songs with meanings
Beyond your years were sung;
To chords of sweetest rapture
Your heart-strings e'er were strung.
From out the realms of heav'n
Still you speak to me,
And fancy draws the curtain
That I your face may see;
Perhaps in the hereafter
I yet may fully know
The purpose of your going,
Your mission here below.
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