To My Wife On Her Seventy-Fifth Birthday


A FAIRY girl, with wavy curls;
Her trade in books and pen,
Like one who scatters lovely pearls;
Her sunny years, — just ten .

Another figure, stately grown, —
What changes time has wrought!
How swift the sobering years have flown,
With noblest purpose fraught!

Twice ten , — the scene is changed; I hear
His, " Wilt thou? " her " I will; "
She pledged her faith without a fear,
Risking, or good, — or ill.

Again, thrice ten , — and clinging buds
In sweet affection twine,
Successive, with their tendrils fair
Around the clustering vine.

Four tens , — the happy summit reached,
Life's harder conflicts done,
Her sunny curls with silver streaked,
Life's golden prizes won

Revered and loved, with honor crowned,
Now with her five times ten ,
In peace and hope she walks and lives,
Lives, in her babes, again.

Sweet eminence, too fair to leave,
And so she lingers still;
Her cup of good, at six times ten ,
What constant blessings fill!

The world is wide; like Israel's hosts,
Sheltered and led of God,
At seven times ten her favored steps
Remotest empires trod.

Five more are added, — years of joy;
Walk on, with trusting feet,
Till years full twenty-five shall make
Thy century complete.
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