Myne Heartte

I SOMMETYMES thinnke thye womannes artte
Hathe fromme mye bosomme whytch'd my heartte,
Yt dothe soe oftenne feele to mee
Lyke caskette where no jewelles be,
Or, oceanne shelle wilk breathes dystresse
I ween fromme verye emptynesse;
And thenne I wishe sic faythless heartte
Of mee hadde never been a parte.

And sommetymes doe I thynnke yts tyde
Is bye thye coldness petryfyd,
Or, thatte thyne eyne scorche uppe ye sayme
Fromme healthfulle boundynges through mye frayme,
Yt laggs soe in its course lyke staynes,
Wilk blushynge creepe through cowardes veynes;
And thenne I thynke that sic an heartte
Of manne hadde bettere notte be parte.

And sommetymes doe I thynke 'twere welle
Thys heartte shouldde breake beneathe thye spelle,
Since lonnge yt onlye thoughtes of payne
Hathe sentte untoe my weary brainne.
Soe manaye that ye sabel suite
Dothe crowde mye reasonne fromme her seatte,
And mayke me thynnke I'd rayther parte.
Wythe lyfe in sic an faythelesse heartte.
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