On the Nativity

For the Kings Musick . Omes

Heark, 1.
'Tis the Nuptiall Day of Heav'n and Earth; 2.
The Fathers Marriage, and the Sons blest Birth: 3.
The Spheres are giv'n us as a Ring; that Bliss,
Which we call Grace is but the Deitie's Kiss, Ch.
And what we now do hear Blest Spirits sing,
Is but the happy Po'sie of that Ring. 1.
Whiles Glory thus takes Flesh, & th' Heav'ns are bow'd,
May we not say God Comes down in a Cloud? 2.
Peace dropping thus on Earth, Good will on Men,
May we not say that Manna fals agen? Ch.
All Wonders we Confess are only his:
But of these Wonders, He the greatest is. 1.
The Mother felt no pangs; for he did pass
As subtle Sun-beams do through purer Glass. 2.
The Virgin no more loss of Name did find.
Than when her Vertues Issu'd from her Mind. Ch.
The Lilly of the Valleys thus did grow
Unto no Gard'ners Hands that he did grow. 1.
Blest Babe, thy Birth makes Heaven in the Stall; 2.
And we the Manger may thy Altar call: 3.
Thine and thy Mothers Eyes as Stars appear;
The Bull no Beast, but Constellation here. Ch.
Thus Both were Born, the Gospell and the Law,
Moses in Flags did lye, thou in the Straw.
Open O Hearts, 1.
These Gates lift up will win 2.
The King of Glory here to enter in; 3.
Flesh is his Veyl, and House: whiles thus we wooe,
The World will dwell among, and in us too. Ch.
Flesh is his Veyl, & c.
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