New Year's Day


In Annual Spires the circling Sun
Has travell'd round th' Etherial Waste,
So one Year's Task of Life is done,
And one more Stage of Time is past,
Whose ebbing Streams apace subside,
And in Duration's Deep make haste to loose their Tyde.


The Train of my determin'd Years,
With a swift Pinion wing their Way,
Daily my Vital Vigour wears,
Daily the active Springs decay;
The Sun still kindly goes and comes,
Kindly unthrifty Time my Stock of Life consumes.


Patience a little longer hold,
A while this mortal Burden bear,
When a few Moments more are told,
All this vain Scene will disappear.
Immortal Life will follow this,
And Guilt and Grief be chang'd for endless Joy and Bliss.


Repeat, kind Sun, repeat thy Race;
Swiftly, ye Hours, O swiftly fly,
Ye ling'ring Minutes mend your Pace,
And do not long my Joys deny:
Quicken indulgent Time thy Flight,
And bear me on thy Wings to the blest Coasts of Light.
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