
The Past can be no more —
Whose misemploying I deplore:
The Future is to me
An absolute uncertainty:
The Now, which will not with me stay,
Within a second flies away.

I heard God often say,
Now, of salvation is the day, —
But turn'd from heaven my view,
I still had something else to do;
Till God a dream instructive sent,
To warn me timely to repent.

Methought Death, with his dart,
Had mortally transfix'd my heart;
And devils round about,
To seize my spirit flying out,
Cried — " Now, of which you took no care,
Is turn'd to Never and despair!"

I gave a sudden start,
And waked, with Never in my heart:
Still I that Never felt,
Never upon my spirit dwelt; —
A thousand thanks to God I paid,
That my sad Never was delay'd.
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