Now manhood and garbroyls I chaunt, and martial horror
Now manhood and garbroyls I chaunt, and martial horror.
I blaze thee captayne first from Troy cittye repairing,
Lyke wandring pilgrim too famosed Italie trudging,
And coast of Lauyn: soust wyth tempestuus hurlwynd,
On land and sayling, bi Gods predestinat order:
But chiefe through Iunoes long fostred deadlye reuengment.
Martyred in battayls, ere towne could statelye be buylded,
Or Gods theare setled: thence flitted thee latin ofspring,
Thee roote of old Alban: thence was Rome peereles inhaunced.
My muse shew the reason, what grudge or what furye kendled
Of Gods thee Princesse, through so cursd mischeuus hatred,
Wyth sharp sundrye perils too tugge so famus a captayne.
Such festred rancoure doo Sayncts celestial harbour?
A long buylt citty theare stood, Carthago so named,
From the mouth of Tybris, from land eke of Italye seauerd,
Possest wyth Tyrians, in streingh and ritches abounding.
Theare Iuno, thee Princes her Empyre wholye reposed,
Her Samos owtcasting, heere shee dyd her armonye settle,
And warlick chariots, heere chiefly her ioylitye raigned.
This towne shee labored too make thee gorgeus empresse,
Of towns and regions, her drift yf destenye furthred.
But this her hole meaning a southsayd mysterie letted
That from thee Troians should branch a lineal ofspring,
Which would thee Tyrian turrets quite batter a sunder,
And Libye land likewise wyth warlick victorye conquoure.
Wee leaue Creete Country; and our sayls vnwrapped vphoysing,
With woodden vessel thee rough seas deepelye we furrowe.
When we fro land harbours too mayne seas gyddye dyd enter
Voyded of al coast sight with wild fluds roundly bebayed,
A watrye clowd gloomming, ful aboue mee clampred, apeered,
A sharp storme menacing, from sight beams soonye reiecting:
Thee flaws with rumbling, thee wroght fluds angrye doe iumble:
Vp swel thee surges, in chauffe sea plasshye we tumble:
With the rayn, is daylight through darcknesse mostye bewrapped,
And thundring lightbolts from torneclowds fyrye be flasshing.
Wee doe mis oure passadge through fel fluds boysterus erring,
Oure pilot eke, Palinure, through dymnesse clowdye bedusked
In poinccts of coompasse dooth stray with palpabil erroure.
Three dayes in darcknesse from bright beams soony repealed,
And three nigths parted from lightning starrye we wandered,
The fourth day foloing thee shoare, neere setled, apeered
And hils vppeaking; and smoak swift steamed to the skyward.
Oure sayls are strucken, we roa furth with speedines hastye,
And the sea by our mariners with the oars cleene canted is harrowd
On shoars of strophades from storme escaped I landed,
For those plats Strophades in languadge Greekish ar highted,
With the sea coucht Islands. Where foule bird foggye Celaeno
And Harpy is nestled: sence franckling Phines his housroume
From theym was sunderd, and fragments plentye remooued.
No plage more perilous, no monster grislye more ouglye,
No stigian vengaunce lyke too theese carmoran haggards.
Theese fouls lyke maydens are pynde with phisnomye palish;
With ramd cramd garbadge, thire gorges draftye be gulled,
With tallants prowling, theire face wan withred in hunger,
With famin vpsoaken.
I blaze thee captayne first from Troy cittye repairing,
Lyke wandring pilgrim too famosed Italie trudging,
And coast of Lauyn: soust wyth tempestuus hurlwynd,
On land and sayling, bi Gods predestinat order:
But chiefe through Iunoes long fostred deadlye reuengment.
Martyred in battayls, ere towne could statelye be buylded,
Or Gods theare setled: thence flitted thee latin ofspring,
Thee roote of old Alban: thence was Rome peereles inhaunced.
My muse shew the reason, what grudge or what furye kendled
Of Gods thee Princesse, through so cursd mischeuus hatred,
Wyth sharp sundrye perils too tugge so famus a captayne.
Such festred rancoure doo Sayncts celestial harbour?
A long buylt citty theare stood, Carthago so named,
From the mouth of Tybris, from land eke of Italye seauerd,
Possest wyth Tyrians, in streingh and ritches abounding.
Theare Iuno, thee Princes her Empyre wholye reposed,
Her Samos owtcasting, heere shee dyd her armonye settle,
And warlick chariots, heere chiefly her ioylitye raigned.
This towne shee labored too make thee gorgeus empresse,
Of towns and regions, her drift yf destenye furthred.
But this her hole meaning a southsayd mysterie letted
That from thee Troians should branch a lineal ofspring,
Which would thee Tyrian turrets quite batter a sunder,
And Libye land likewise wyth warlick victorye conquoure.
Wee leaue Creete Country; and our sayls vnwrapped vphoysing,
With woodden vessel thee rough seas deepelye we furrowe.
When we fro land harbours too mayne seas gyddye dyd enter
Voyded of al coast sight with wild fluds roundly bebayed,
A watrye clowd gloomming, ful aboue mee clampred, apeered,
A sharp storme menacing, from sight beams soonye reiecting:
Thee flaws with rumbling, thee wroght fluds angrye doe iumble:
Vp swel thee surges, in chauffe sea plasshye we tumble:
With the rayn, is daylight through darcknesse mostye bewrapped,
And thundring lightbolts from torneclowds fyrye be flasshing.
Wee doe mis oure passadge through fel fluds boysterus erring,
Oure pilot eke, Palinure, through dymnesse clowdye bedusked
In poinccts of coompasse dooth stray with palpabil erroure.
Three dayes in darcknesse from bright beams soony repealed,
And three nigths parted from lightning starrye we wandered,
The fourth day foloing thee shoare, neere setled, apeered
And hils vppeaking; and smoak swift steamed to the skyward.
Oure sayls are strucken, we roa furth with speedines hastye,
And the sea by our mariners with the oars cleene canted is harrowd
On shoars of strophades from storme escaped I landed,
For those plats Strophades in languadge Greekish ar highted,
With the sea coucht Islands. Where foule bird foggye Celaeno
And Harpy is nestled: sence franckling Phines his housroume
From theym was sunderd, and fragments plentye remooued.
No plage more perilous, no monster grislye more ouglye,
No stigian vengaunce lyke too theese carmoran haggards.
Theese fouls lyke maydens are pynde with phisnomye palish;
With ramd cramd garbadge, thire gorges draftye be gulled,
With tallants prowling, theire face wan withred in hunger,
With famin vpsoaken.
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