Nymphs that now are in your prime

Nymphs that now are in your prime,
Make, O make good use of time:
Each minute hastens your decay,
Beauty, like time, flies fast away.
Nymphs that now are in your prime,
Make, O make good use of time.

If you would know how youth did pass,
Look on the dial of your face,
Where, though no sudden change is found,
Yet still the sun is moving round.

But when it comes to be full noon,
The day grows short, and night comes soon;
The sun steals off by slow degrees,
And beauty fades, though no one sees.

Night's shades do pass, and day comes on,
But beauty has no second dawn;
The sun returns, but beauty never,
When beauty sets, it sets forever.
Nymphs that now are in your prime,
Make, O make good use of time.
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