O Heaven Indulge

1. O heaven indulge my feeble muse, Teach her what numbers for to choose, And
2. Who made our soldiers men of might, And taught their fingers how to fight, And
then my soul shall ne'er refuse Triumphantly to sing Unto that
how to aim their shafts aright In the decisive hour. Through Him we
great and heavenly power, Who saved us in a gloomy hour, When
have trod down our foe, Who all around environed us so, And
our dire foes meant to devour, 'Twas heaven's eternal King.
sought our fatal overthrow: Bless the delivering power.

3. New England's sons and daughters sing
Triumph unto your heavenly King,
Who did such great salvation bring
In such a needy hour.
Not all created powers can trace
His glories through unbounded space,
Nor seraph's eye behold his face
Nor half describe his power.

4. Of old, when he was Israel's God,
He clave the red Arabian flood,
The watery walls like castles stood
'Till Israel reached the land;
But fell with most tremendous force
On Pharoah's riders and his horse,
'Til they were dashed, and drowned, and lost,
And cast upon the sands.

5. He's still the same almighty God,
He brought our fathers o'er the flood
And scattered all their foes abroad,
Gave them this wilderness.
His tender mercies we must own,
Who heard us when we made our moan;
O might we live to him alone,
And nevermore transgress.
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