Ode to Complacency
Complacency! thou gift refin'd!
To me thy aid impart;
Preserve thy Empire in my mind.
And regulate my heart.
Thy presence will adorn each scene,
With modest temp'rate rays;
Grant, I become like thee serene,
Nor thirst for empty praise.
Oh! lead me to thy sacred bow'r,
Where Peace, and Virtue dwell;
There let me feel thy healing pow'r,
To Folly bid farewell.
This the chief purpose of my soul,
To seek thy blest abode;
Contentment the inviting goal,
And rectitude the road.
With cautious step, and steady pace,
The checquer'd path I view;
Behold the end, and destin'd race,
To reach what I pursue.
By thee enabled, hence shall gain
A conquest o'er my mind;
Defy the threat'ning frowns of pain,
By innocence refin'd.
From Guilt, and Superstition free,
Oh! may I ne'er repine;
In ev'ry state, and each decree,
Obey the will divine!
To me thy aid impart;
Preserve thy Empire in my mind.
And regulate my heart.
Thy presence will adorn each scene,
With modest temp'rate rays;
Grant, I become like thee serene,
Nor thirst for empty praise.
Oh! lead me to thy sacred bow'r,
Where Peace, and Virtue dwell;
There let me feel thy healing pow'r,
To Folly bid farewell.
This the chief purpose of my soul,
To seek thy blest abode;
Contentment the inviting goal,
And rectitude the road.
With cautious step, and steady pace,
The checquer'd path I view;
Behold the end, and destin'd race,
To reach what I pursue.
By thee enabled, hence shall gain
A conquest o'er my mind;
Defy the threat'ning frowns of pain,
By innocence refin'd.
From Guilt, and Superstition free,
Oh! may I ne'er repine;
In ev'ry state, and each decree,
Obey the will divine!
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