Ode pour Monsieur le Marquis de Boquingant



To which the rays of the day
Are in love with the Empire,
Mars fears, and love
Sçauroit not see that souspire.
This is the subject avecques
Roy was a large object you
In endless condition,
And all nations
Have allowed Vostre engineering
Forcast their inclinations.

The favors you deserve
Forced Mesmes envy,
On accroistre your prosperitez,
Saying good Vostre life.
When she wants to talk to you,
Without artifice and without anger,
It happens all naked
And his vain desires abatus
Glories of Estre recogneui
To triumph of your virtues.

Nobody is good Fasche
Whose fate Vostre happy abounds,
Especially since there is nothing you
That make the world happy.
And the celestial torch
Who was the most beautiful ornament
Qu'enfanta the first mass
Was never envious;
Because he uses his light
What to esclairer our eyes.

Each season gives its abundance of fruits:
Autumn gives us his apples,
The Hyver gives his long nuicts
For a great rest of men:
The Prin-time gives us flowers,
It gives the soul, and the colors
At the fueille seems dead:
It gives life to forests,
And another season brings
What makes our yellow guerets.

Earth to give his property
Lets dig into the center;
And for us Indians fields
Are shooting thresors belly.
The wave enriches a hundred ways
Our ships and our hooks;
And this element so barbarous,
To be seen liberal,
Tears in his miserly,
Amber, Pearl, and Coral.

Dict what this great treasure:
Arising from the Alcide voice
This estoient vrayment chaisnes of gold,
Who held the spirits in check.
Cognoissant these charms divine
Alexander donnoit it not
All his gain peace and war?
The Prince with all his happiness,
If had it not given any land,
No one ever deed fust Lord.

The Zephyrs will give waves
The waves give the moon,
Ship to Sailors,
The Sailors fortune.
Everything the universe designs
We bring it receives
To make nostre comfortable life;
The Bee takes no Heaven
The presents of the sweet dew,
That to give us honey.

Rocks, which are the table
Sterilitez of nature,
To give us water,
They split their not hard mass?
The most impotent fields
We give yvoire and incense;
The most useless desers
Give great tiltres to Roys,
And least fertile trees
We provide shade and wood.

Marquis gives all like you,
You give as He who Mesme,
That animals feel all
Liberality supresme.
God gives us his love,
Avecques the presents of the day
Mesme the traicts his face;
This world, the work of his hands,
Is developed basty for its use,
As it did for humans.

Heaven receives pleasure
Then he sees his creature
Live in such a beautiful desire,
And if according to its nature!
I could wish you well imitate;
But you can not present
What fortune'm hiding,
Then everything begins with the Universe
I want everyone SCACHE
That I have given to you.
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