In Organum Motus Perpetui Quod est Penes Maximum Britanniacum Regem Jacobum

The untired strength of never-ceasing motion,
A restless rest a toyl-less operation,
Heaven then had given it, when wise Nature did
To frail & solid things one place forbid;
And parting both, made the Moons Orb their bound,
Damning to various change this lower ground.
But now what Nature hath those Laws transgrest,
Giving to earth a work that ne're will rest?
Though 'tis most strange, yet (great King) 'tis not new;
This Work was seen and found before in You.
In You, whose minde (though still calm) never sleeps,
But through your Realms one constant motion keeps:
As your minde (then) was Heavens type first, so this
But the taught Anti-type of your mind is.
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