The Osculation of the Stars

Wide asunder in the azure All,
Mayst thou see two Starlets moving
That from far, so gladly, yet so sadly,
For a thousand years, were looking, loving;
Till a brief ambrosial kiss,
One, but one, as fast they rush together,
Brings them love's ethereal bliss,
And again, thro' pathless Space they sever:
Yet will Love, god-consecrate,
Flame for ever thro' the Night of Fate

Late it was the time had come
When those Starlets two united,
And, amid the dancing and the glancing
Of remotest Suns, did kiss delighted;
Lo! when least for her I look,
Cometh she I aye shall love so kindly,
One fond Kiss she gave and took.
And stern hap did part us blindly:
Yet will Love, god-consecrate,
Flame for ever thro' the Night of Fate.
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