Our Politics.

"The purification of politics is an iridescent dream."
U. S. Senator, John J. Ingalls, Kansas.

"Purification of politics
Is an iridescent dream,"
Is the Ingalls way of saying that
Corruption's power's supreme.

Have the people lost their honesty,
Has the Nation sunk so low,
That partisan strife can blind our eyes
Till we know not friend from foe?

If such be true, this fair land of ours
Must fail to mature the Hope
That blossomed fair on Liberty's tree,
But in impotence must grope.

Beautiful land! God's own favored land!
Thy sons must united be,
Statesmen should now hold the public helm,
Throw factions into the sea,

Teach politicians with all their schemes,
The people yet are supreme;
That Augean stables--politics--
May be cleansed by ballot's streams.
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