Paraphrase on the Psalms of David - Psalm 81

Part I.

T O God our strength your voices raise,
In sacred numbers sing His praise.
The warbling lute, sweet viol, bring,
And solemn harp; loud timbrels ring.
The new moon seen, shrill trumpets sound,
Your sacred feasts with triumph crown'd.
These rites our God established,
When Israel He from Egypt led;
Their necks with yokes of bondage wrung,
Inured to an unknown tongue.
Your burdens I have cast away,
Said He, and cleans'd your hands from clay;
Then sav'd, when in your fears you cried,
And from the thund'ring cloud replied.
I tried you; heard your murmurings,
At Meribah's admired springs.
You sons of Israel give ear,
I will instruct you, would you hear.
Beware, no foreign gods adore,
Nor their adult'rate pow'rs implore.

Part II.

I thee alone brought from the land
Of bondage with a mighty hand.
I know and will supply thy need,
When naked clothe, when hungry feed.
Yet would not they My counsel brook,
But desp'rately their God forsook.
Whom I unto their lusts resign'd,
And errors of their wand'ring mind.
O that they had My voice obey'd,
Nor from the paths of virtue stray'd!
Then victory their brows had crown'd,
Their slaughter'd foes had spread the ground.
Then had I made their enemy
Submit, and at their mercy lie;
Themselves bless'd with eternal peace,
Enriched with the earth's increase;
With flour of wheat and honey fill'd,
From breaches of the rock distill'd.
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