Paraphrase on the Psalms of David - Psalm 86

Part I.

M Y God, Thy suppliant hear,
Afford a gentle ear;
For I am comfortless,
And labour in distress.
My righteous soul relieve,
So ready to forgive.
Thy servant, Lord, defend,
Whose hopes on Thee depend.
Me from the grave restore,
Who daily Thee implore.
From wasting sorrow free
The heart long vow'd to Thee.
For Thou art God alone,
To tender pity prone,
Propitious unto all
Who on Thy mercy call.
O hear my fervent pray'r,
And take me to Thy care;
Then ready to be found,
When troubles most abound.
What God like Thee, O Lord,
Of all by men ador'd;
Or underneath the sun
Such miracles hath done?

Part II.

Zeal shall all hearts inflame
T' adore and praise Thy Name,
For Thou art God alone,
Thy pow'r in wonders shown.
Direct me in Thy way,
So shall I never stray.
My thoughts from tempests clear,
United in Thy fear.
My soul shall celebrate
Thy praise, Thy pow'r relate,
That hast advanc'd my head,
And rais'd me from the dead.
The proud against me rise,
And pow'rful enemies
(All rebels to Thy will)
My guiltless blood would spill.
But O, Thou King of kings,
From Thee sweet mercy springs;
Still gracious, slow to wrath,
True to Thy servant's faith.
Lord, for Thy mercies' sake,
Into Thy bosom take;
Thy handmaid's son, O save
From the devouring grave!
Some happy sign expose
To my ashamed foes,
That they Thy hate may see
To them, Thy love to me.
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