Parthenophil and Parthenophe - Part 101
Had I been banish't from the natiue soyle,
Where with my life I first receaued light:
For my first cradles had my tombe beene dight:
Or chang'd my pleasure for a ceaselesse toyle:
Had I for nurce, been left to Lyons spoyle:
Had I for freedome, dwelt in shadie night
Coup't vp in loth-some dungeons from mens sight,
Those first desiers which in my brest did boyle,
From which thy loues (vnkinde) thou banished
Had not been such an exile to my blisse.
If life (with my loues infancie) were vanished,
It had not been so sore a death as this:
If Lyonesses were in steede of nurses,
Or night for day, thine hate deserues more curses.
Where with my life I first receaued light:
For my first cradles had my tombe beene dight:
Or chang'd my pleasure for a ceaselesse toyle:
Had I for nurce, been left to Lyons spoyle:
Had I for freedome, dwelt in shadie night
Coup't vp in loth-some dungeons from mens sight,
Those first desiers which in my brest did boyle,
From which thy loues (vnkinde) thou banished
Had not been such an exile to my blisse.
If life (with my loues infancie) were vanished,
It had not been so sore a death as this:
If Lyonesses were in steede of nurses,
Or night for day, thine hate deserues more curses.
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