Parthenophil and Parthenophe - Part 5
Are you so waspish, that from time, to time
You nurrish bees and to so good an ende,
That hauing suck't your honnie they must clyme
Into your bosome, to bethanke their frend:
And for a signe, that they come to defend
Reward you with such weapons as they haue:
Nor was it more then your desartes did craue
Not much vnlike vnto the Vipers yongling,
Who nurrish't with the breeders dearest bloud
Snarles with his teeth, nor can endure the bongling
Within the Vipers belly, but makes food
Of her, thus nature worketh in her brood:
So you (forsooth) nor was it much amisse,
Feede snakes which thankefully both sting, and hisse.
But if that any of our sexe did sting you,
Know this (moreouer) though you beare the pricke,
And though their frownes to melancholie bring you
Yet are we seldome, or else neuer sicke:
Nor do we dye like bees, but still be quicke
And soone recouering what we lost before,
We sting apace, yet still keepe stinges in store.
You nurrish bees and to so good an ende,
That hauing suck't your honnie they must clyme
Into your bosome, to bethanke their frend:
And for a signe, that they come to defend
Reward you with such weapons as they haue:
Nor was it more then your desartes did craue
Not much vnlike vnto the Vipers yongling,
Who nurrish't with the breeders dearest bloud
Snarles with his teeth, nor can endure the bongling
Within the Vipers belly, but makes food
Of her, thus nature worketh in her brood:
So you (forsooth) nor was it much amisse,
Feede snakes which thankefully both sting, and hisse.
But if that any of our sexe did sting you,
Know this (moreouer) though you beare the pricke,
And though their frownes to melancholie bring you
Yet are we seldome, or else neuer sicke:
Nor do we dye like bees, but still be quicke
And soone recouering what we lost before,
We sting apace, yet still keepe stinges in store.
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