Parthenophil and Parthenophe - Part 7

Youthes wanton spring, when in the raging Bull
My sunne was lodg'd, gaue store of flowers:
With leaues of pleasure, stalkes of howers
Which soone shak'd of the leaues, when they were full
Of pleasures bewtie dew'd, with Aprill showers:
My sommer loue, whose buddes were bewtifull,
Youthfull desiers with heates vnmercifull
Parched, whose seedes when haruest time was come
Weare eares against my suites obturate,
With sheaues of scorne bound vp, which did benumme
Mine heate with greef, yet made her hart indurate:
Oh chast desiers which hel'd her hart immurate
In wall's of Adamante vnfoyled!
My winter spent in showers of sorrowes teares
Haylestones of hatred, frostes of feares,
My braunches bar'de of pleasure, and despoiled.
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