The Parting of Goll and His Wife

And when Goll knew Finn to be watching for his life he made no attempt to escape but stopped where he was, without food, without drink, and he blinded with the sand that was blowing into his eyes. And his wife came to a rock where she could speak with him, and she called to him to come to her. " Come over to me, " she said; " and it is a pity you to be blinded where you are, on the rocks of the waste sea, with no drink but the salt water, a man that was first in every fight. And come now to be sleeping beside me, " she said; " and in place of the hard sea-water I will nourish you from my own breast, and it is I will do your healing, " she said; " for it is seven years since you wedded with me, and from that night to this night I never got a hard word from you. And the gold of your hair is my desire for ever, " she said, " and do not stop withering there like an herb in the winter-time, and my heart black with grief within me. " But Goll would not leave the spot where he was for all she could say. " It is best as it is, " he said, " and I never took the advice of a woman east or west, and I never will take it. And O sweet-voiced queen, " he said, " what ails you to be fretting after me; and remember now your silver and your gold, and your silks and stuffs, and remember the seven hounds I gave you at Cruadh Ceirrge, and every one of them without slackness till he has killed the deer. And do not be crying tears after me, queen with the white hands, " he said, " but remember your constant lover, Aodh, the son of the best woman of the world, that came out from Spain asking for you, and that I fought at Corcar-an-Deirg. And go to him now, " he said, " for it is bad when a woman is in want of a good man. " And he lay down on the rocks, and at the end of twelve days he died. And his wife keened him there, and made a great lamentation for her husband that had such a great name, and that was the second best of the Fenians of Ireland.
Author of original: 
Irish Oral Tradition
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