Pase Owcák, Pase Owce
With his flock the shepherd sallies,Bending tow'rds the fertile vallies,
Passing near the birchwood tree—
And a hat of green has he.
'N EATH an oak, his path commanding,
Were two smiling maidens standing:
“God be with you!” said the swain;
And they laugh'd, and laugh'd again.
One was white as dovelet flying,
With the snows of winter vying:
And the other twitter'd there
Like a swallow in the air.
“C OME , young shepherd! we will take thee
To the mountain; we will make thee
Love's own couch; thy flocks shall stray—
And what matter?—where they may.”
So they seized him—so they led him
To the mountain, there to wed him;
Flocks and folds—and where are they?
Canst thou tell the shepherd? Nay!
Rozborené staré zam'ky.EnglishUnknown
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