A Pepper-corn or small rent sent to my Lord Campden

A Pepper-corn or small rent sent to my Lord Campden for the Loan of his house at Kensington 9: February: 1651

Ingratetude's the worst of ill
Wherefore I shall not dip my quill
In its black Inke, but timely owne
Your favring Obligation
That with such Freedom now have Lent
Me this your Princely Tenement:
Wherin I may survaigh at ease
What Travailers by Land and Seas
With toyle and trouble seek to gain
Allthough at home I stil remain
Campden that wrot his Cuntries praise
Most worthily deserves the Bayes
But Frendship must Intitle you
To the true Laurell as your due
Who have not only plac't me heer
But makes me Emulate the sphere
Become Compagnion with the Sun
Soe round about the Gloab to run
In sevrall Pictures that declare
How it is framed Circular
Nothing within its Compass falls
But either on the Stayrs or walls
Hang Trophe-like to represent
The figure of each Continent
That one may freely say or swear
Drake, Forbisher, All had been ther
Who to discovries bent their minds
And Courted had, both Seas, and winds
Heer larger pleasure on me wayts
Than Magelans, found out the Strayts
Making all vaine and falce the while
I'm reading Sir Jhon Mandevile
For These with story more engage
Than Purcas in his Pilgrimage
Or what was either sayd or wrot
By Sands or by Tom Corriott.
Heer the fowr Seasons Mustred are
And what's to Each peculiar
With evry Nations sevral dress
Suting them to their Provinces
Ther Other Landskips are display
Thout Clock the parts of Night and day
This Room's defence, are men in Arms
That Other's blest with Sybells Charms
And the Fam'd Poets did devise
Stories of owld now held for lies
Adorn the Entry doth invite
To th'Place can conquer Apetite
And as their Raptures held divine
Soe doe they seem to guard the wine
That was Ralphs once but now is Mine.
Thus evry Corner soe compleat
As if each were a Flora's seat
Tablets of Potts and Flowers rare
Present a Guarden on the Stair
Wher sits Tom Piper whose stil Layes
Not to the ear but fancy playes
And such a hand and Lute Him by
As might the Lesbian out vie
Whilst the heads posture speaks as much
As keeping time with evry touch
Ther for to Netefy the Roome
The pretty Mayd Stands with her broome
And Sernpsteres somewhat above
Both shew what postures They approve
An Owld nakt Father 'thout a Coole
Heer puts Devotion to Schoole
Whilst on a Crucefix ther lies
Only a Painted Sacrefize
A Maudlen too that fain would crye
But that the Coulers now are drie
Ther farther fetcht soe more admir'd
See how a Turkish Bride's attir'd
And if it be not held a crime
To cherish order in this time
Cast but your eye a little farther
And you may see that of the Guarter
From the first Infancy and since
How it hath come from Prince to Prince
As sovrains of It and those Peers
Admitted been their Partners
Now ere I have with staircase don
A Frier ther doth shrift a Nunn
Or in probation at Least
Casts a Sheeps eye and stroaks her brest:
Whilst in a ston-bow One doth shoot
The wench houlds up that he may do't
Now that the Flesh may not begett
A surfet heer's a Fish-market:
An Emblem Picture tels you how
Owld Age with Io's made a Cow
You'ld judg that Equity's not far
Wher's one and t'other Chanceler
Yet in a Proverb I was tould
Each thing that Glisters provs not gould:
A Bedchamber 'tis leads from hence
T'a Room of State and Audience
Wher Roe soe much o'th'world did see
Admittance hath and place to be
Yet Modestly his Spech forbears
(A Vertue Rare in Travailers)
So's Embassy's not heard but seen
As He presents it 'fore the Queen
Yet when my Lord would silence break
Heer is an Organ that can speak
Not quite demolisht though some notes
Have felt some stops from the red-Coats
Whose Drums all Musike else defye
Making it silenc't Ministry
And such at first began this dance
Of Discord and of Variance
A Coppy ore This doth express
The Labours of Great Hercules
Whilst in an Other Coign a Peace
Soe Rarely done to life that Greece
Nay all the World wher Pallas swayes
With Art did ne're more Nature rayse
Wher two faire Nimphs neth sheltering Bowres
Seem to delight in picking Flowres
And with a smiling Look imply
They'd guatherd them for those pass by
He would not melt at this fair sight
Might worthely turn Ankorite
Bury Himself alive, see none
But Earth beneath, about Him Ston
Which brings me to such Tables as
For Curious Marbles all surpass
Wherin Art doth the Coulers dress
Into Mosaik and Pedri-commess
Appropriating to evry ston
His wayght of Admiration
A Table in the Hall besides
That shewes how from one silver glides
Ther round about Those Gossips meet
Frequent Cheap side and Gratio's street
With Cock and Hen, Partridg and Phesant
Or other Cates to diet Plesant
And though we are not fed therby
These cure the hunger of the eye
Whilst All within dores I commend
I'de not forgett as you ascend
Unto this structure to display
That Claudian like or Appian way
Soe due Proportioned noe Feet
That ever Trac't out Wattling-street
Of Antient Romans Cost and Pride
Fram'd any one more qualefide.
To shew the Sovranty at Gate
A Lion and a Lions Mate
In silence stand, nor Roar to fear
Th'approach of any Passenger
Orchards on either side of these
Not yeilding to th'Hesperides
Gardens and walks that seem to me
Bestrewd with Curiosety
Whilst Nature's not of Arts help nice
But Both conclude it Paradice
Which that I might soe more beleev
Heer's Pictur'd too Adam and eve
Beasts Birds and Fishes making-one
Sampler of the Creation
A Wilderness too but in name
Less fit for wild things than for tame
And for to add to all this Tresure
A little Park walld in for pleasure
These and a thousand more delights
Ravish my sence and Pen that writes
And would (as 'twer) bewitch and bring
Me 'thin a Circle and a Ring
Not to depart but heer to dwell
Enchanted through such Magick Spell
Such stately Mausolean flore
Tarassed and Ballkoned ore
With Pergola's claims wonder
Whilst to Each Guarden ther lies under
Grottos and Pavements that discover
Happy Retirements for the Lover
His fires in Secret to express
Unto his backward Misteress
All thats ascribd to Fortunes wheel
In reference to our weak keele
Disciferd is with curious art
And the Nine sisters sevrall part
Yet ere I can conclude this story
A virgin hand adds soe much Glory
To all the rest in Limning touch
Apelles skearce could doe soe much
In my opignion't doth out goe
Rubin and Michel-Angelo
These Traits and Lineaments are truer
Than Van-Dike drew or Albert Dure
And Gelthrop (alas) is Poorer
Fitter to hang than draw before her
Only my fears increase in this
Least Pallas should take it amiss
To see Her self too overcome
Soe dam Her to Arachnes doom
Now as a Merchant Factor that
Trades to Bantam, Ormus, Surat
Such Ports as of Greatst Riches are
Makes some return to shew his care
Soe heer my Lord think it noe skorn
I send you this poor Pepper-corn
Leases are held soe and doe bind
Cheefly when service rests behind
And that you may of this be suer
None shall obey and serve you truer
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