The Pilgrim
It is so long a way that I must go,
A pilgrim in a kingdom that is strange!
Only my Distant City do I know,
And all the rest is changelessness — and change.
The changeless way that all my fathers trod,
The way of Life, that is so old, so old!
And yet so changeful that each travelled rod
Discloses alterations manifold!
It is so strange a way that I must go,
I scarcely know how I might best prepare.
Only my Distant City do I know,
And all my heart is willed to conquer there!
O, brave to tread the way as yet untrod,
Undaunted by the dangers that I see,
This is the spirit I would show the God
Who showed my Distant City unto me!
A pilgrim in a kingdom that is strange!
Only my Distant City do I know,
And all the rest is changelessness — and change.
The changeless way that all my fathers trod,
The way of Life, that is so old, so old!
And yet so changeful that each travelled rod
Discloses alterations manifold!
It is so strange a way that I must go,
I scarcely know how I might best prepare.
Only my Distant City do I know,
And all my heart is willed to conquer there!
O, brave to tread the way as yet untrod,
Undaunted by the dangers that I see,
This is the spirit I would show the God
Who showed my Distant City unto me!
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