Thou standest as a castle on a rock,
Dismantled, dark; — the hospitable flame
No longer lights its halls; unknown to fame,
The simple shepherd shelters there his flock.
With trumpet-peal its gilded arches rung;
Forth from its gates the lordly champions rode;
Bannered and helmed, the dazzling torrent flowed;
On tower and keep the royal standard hung.
A fire has swept along those festive halls;
Broken and toppling, reel the blackened walls;
The voice of love and hope and joy is gone.
Like funeral-flags, the raven spreads his wings;
In chambers once the proud abode of kings,
Now dwell the lizard and the owl alone.
Vengeance calls you! quick, be ready!
Rouse ye, in the name of God.
Onward, onward! strong and steady; —
Dash to earth the oppressor's rod.
Vengeance calls! ye brave, ye brave!
Rise, and spurn the name of slave.
Grasp the sword! its edge is keen:
Seize the gun! its ball is true:
Sweep your land from tyrants clean, —
Haste, and scour it through and through.
Onward, onward! — vengeance cries.
Rush to arms, — the tyrant flies.
By the souls of patriots gone,
Wake! arise! your fetters break!
See, Kosciuszko bids you on!
Hark, Sobieski cries, Awake!
Rise, and front the despot Czar, —
Rise, and dare the unequal war.
Vengeance calls you! quick, be ready!
Think of what your sires have been.
Onward, onward! strong and steady; —
Drive the tyrant to his den.
On, and let the watchword be,
Country, home, and liberty!
Thou standest as a castle on a rock,
Dismantled, dark; — the hospitable flame
No longer lights its halls; unknown to fame,
The simple shepherd shelters there his flock.
With trumpet-peal its gilded arches rung;
Forth from its gates the lordly champions rode;
Bannered and helmed, the dazzling torrent flowed;
On tower and keep the royal standard hung.
A fire has swept along those festive halls;
Broken and toppling, reel the blackened walls;
The voice of love and hope and joy is gone.
Like funeral-flags, the raven spreads his wings;
In chambers once the proud abode of kings,
Now dwell the lizard and the owl alone.
Vengeance calls you! quick, be ready!
Rouse ye, in the name of God.
Onward, onward! strong and steady; —
Dash to earth the oppressor's rod.
Vengeance calls! ye brave, ye brave!
Rise, and spurn the name of slave.
Grasp the sword! its edge is keen:
Seize the gun! its ball is true:
Sweep your land from tyrants clean, —
Haste, and scour it through and through.
Onward, onward! — vengeance cries.
Rush to arms, — the tyrant flies.
By the souls of patriots gone,
Wake! arise! your fetters break!
See, Kosciuszko bids you on!
Hark, Sobieski cries, Awake!
Rise, and front the despot Czar, —
Rise, and dare the unequal war.
Vengeance calls you! quick, be ready!
Think of what your sires have been.
Onward, onward! strong and steady; —
Drive the tyrant to his den.
On, and let the watchword be,
Country, home, and liberty!
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