Prayer for the Heathen
God of the ocean and the shore,
Thy law we love, Thy name adore!
Let the abundance of the sea,
Be, Lord, converted unto Thee!
Through every ship that cleaves the wave,
Proclaim Thy love, Thy power to save;
From tropic seas to either pole,
Loudly let Heaven's sweet anthem roll!
Speak, Lord, and o'er the stormy flood,
Thy name shall swell, Thy peace shall brood,
Thy praise shall ring from every voice,
And distant climes in Thee rejoice!
Then land and sea, then flood and shore,
Through man redeemed, shall bless Thy power;
And earth and sea and heaven shall own
Salvation's glorious triumph won!
Thy law we love, Thy name adore!
Let the abundance of the sea,
Be, Lord, converted unto Thee!
Through every ship that cleaves the wave,
Proclaim Thy love, Thy power to save;
From tropic seas to either pole,
Loudly let Heaven's sweet anthem roll!
Speak, Lord, and o'er the stormy flood,
Thy name shall swell, Thy peace shall brood,
Thy praise shall ring from every voice,
And distant climes in Thee rejoice!
Then land and sea, then flood and shore,
Through man redeemed, shall bless Thy power;
And earth and sea and heaven shall own
Salvation's glorious triumph won!
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