Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 113: Rev. 22.16. I am the Root and Offspring of David

Help, oh! my Lord, anoint mine Eyes to see
How thou art Wonderfull thyselfe all ore,
A Common Wealth of Wonders: Rich Vine tree
Whose Boughs are reevd with miracles good Store.
Let thy Sweet Clew lead me thy Servant right
Throughout this Labyrinth of Wonders bright.

Here I attempt thy rich delightfull Vine
Whose bowing boughs buncht with sweet clusters, ripe
Amongst the which I take as Cordiall wine
This Bunch doth bleed into my Cup delight.
It Cramps my thoughts. What Root, and Offspring too
Of David: Oh! how can this thing be true?

What top and bottom, Root and Branch unto
The selfe same tree how can this be? oh-fiddle!
It cannot be. This thing may surely goe
As harder far to read than Sampsons Riddle.
A Father and a Son to th'selfe same man!
This wond'rous is indeed: read it who can.

The Root the tree, the Tree the branch doth beare.
The tree doth run between the branch, and Root.
The root and branch are too distinct a pair
To be the same: Cause and Effect they sute.
How then is Christ the Root, and Offspring bright
Of David, Shew, come, read this riddle right.

Lend me thy key, holy Eliakim,
T'unlock the doore untill thy glory shine.
And by thy Clew me thorow lead and bring
Cleare through this Labyrinth by this rich twine.
Posamnitick's Labyrinth now doth appeare
An Easy thing unto the passage here.

But this doth seem the key unto the Lock.
Thy Deity, my Lord, is Davids root:
It sprang from it: its rooted on this rock.
Thy Humane nature is its Offspring-Sute.
Thy Deity gave David Being, though
Thy Humane Being did from David flow.

Hence thou both Lord, and Son of David art,
Him Being gav'st, and Being tookst of him.
This doth unbolt the Doore, and light impart
To shew the nature of this wondrous thing.
Hence two best natures do appeare to stand
United in thy Person hand in hand.

My blessed Lord, thou art like none indeed.
Godhead, and Manhood harmonize in thee.
Hence thou alone wee mediator read,
'Tween God, and Man, and setst Gods Children free
From all Gods wrath, and wholy them restore
Into that Favour, which they lost before.

Hence give thou me true Faith in thee to have:
Make me thy branch, be thou my root thyselfe,
And let thy Grace root in my heart, I Crave
And let thy purchase be my proper Wealth:
And when this Sweet hath in my heart full Sway
My sweetest musick shall thy praise display.
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