Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 20: Heb. 9.11. By a Greater, and more Perfect Tabernacle
Didst thou, Lord, Cast mee in a Worship-mould
That I might Worship thee immediatly?
Hath Sin blurd all thy Print, that so I should
Be made in vain unto this End? and Why?
Lord print me ore again. Begon, begon,
Yee Fly blows all of hell: I'le harbour none.
That I might not receive this mould in vain
Thy Son, my Lord, my Tabernacle he
Shall be: me run into thy mould again.
Then in this Temple I will Worship thee.
If he the Medium of my Worship stand
Mee, and my Worship he will to thee hand.
I can't thee Worship now without an House.
An house of Worship here will do no good,
Unless it type my Woe, in which I douse,
And Remedy in deifyed Blood.
Thy Tabernacle, and thy Temple they
Such Types arose. Christ is their Sun, and Ray.
Thou wast their Authour: Art Christs too and his.
They were of Choicest Matters. His's th'best blood.
Thy Spirits over shaddowing form'd them, This
Did overshaddow Mary. Christ did bud.
The Laver, Altar, Shew Bread, Table Gold
And Golden Light and Oyle do Christs Shine hold.
The Efficacy that's lodgd in them all
Came from thyselfe in influences, nay
Their Glory's but a painted Sun on th'Wall
Compar'd to thine and that thou dost display.
How glorious then art thou, when all their glory
Is but a Paintery to thy bright Story.
Thou art the Laver to wash off my Sin:
The Altars for atonement out of hand:
The Sweet Sweet Incense cast the fire within
The Golden Table, where the Shew bread stand.
The Golden Candlestick with holy Light
Mentain'd by holy Oyle in Graces Pipe.
The flames whereof, enmixt with Grace assaile
With Grace the heart in th'Light that takes the Eye
To light us in the way within the Vaile
Unto the Arke in which the Angells prie
Having the Law stand in't, up Coverd under
The Mercy Seate, that Throne of Graces Wonder.
Thou art my Tabernacle, Temple right,
My Cleansing, Holiness, Atonement, Food,
My Righteousness, My Guide of Temple Light
In to the Holy Holies, (as is shewd)
My Oracle, Arke, Mercy Seat: the place
Of Cherubims amazde at such rich grace.
Thou art my Medium to God, thou art
My Medium of Worship done to thee,
And of Divine Communion, Sweet heart!
Oh Heavenly intercourse!. Yee Angells see!
Art thou my Temple, Lord? Then thou Most Choice
Art Angells Play-House, and Saints Paradise.
Thy Temples Influences stick on mee,
That I in Holy Love may stow my heart
Upon thyselfe, and on my God in thee,
And with thy Holiness guild Every part
Of me. And I will as I walke herein
Thy Glory thee in Temple Musick bring.
That I might Worship thee immediatly?
Hath Sin blurd all thy Print, that so I should
Be made in vain unto this End? and Why?
Lord print me ore again. Begon, begon,
Yee Fly blows all of hell: I'le harbour none.
That I might not receive this mould in vain
Thy Son, my Lord, my Tabernacle he
Shall be: me run into thy mould again.
Then in this Temple I will Worship thee.
If he the Medium of my Worship stand
Mee, and my Worship he will to thee hand.
I can't thee Worship now without an House.
An house of Worship here will do no good,
Unless it type my Woe, in which I douse,
And Remedy in deifyed Blood.
Thy Tabernacle, and thy Temple they
Such Types arose. Christ is their Sun, and Ray.
Thou wast their Authour: Art Christs too and his.
They were of Choicest Matters. His's th'best blood.
Thy Spirits over shaddowing form'd them, This
Did overshaddow Mary. Christ did bud.
The Laver, Altar, Shew Bread, Table Gold
And Golden Light and Oyle do Christs Shine hold.
The Efficacy that's lodgd in them all
Came from thyselfe in influences, nay
Their Glory's but a painted Sun on th'Wall
Compar'd to thine and that thou dost display.
How glorious then art thou, when all their glory
Is but a Paintery to thy bright Story.
Thou art the Laver to wash off my Sin:
The Altars for atonement out of hand:
The Sweet Sweet Incense cast the fire within
The Golden Table, where the Shew bread stand.
The Golden Candlestick with holy Light
Mentain'd by holy Oyle in Graces Pipe.
The flames whereof, enmixt with Grace assaile
With Grace the heart in th'Light that takes the Eye
To light us in the way within the Vaile
Unto the Arke in which the Angells prie
Having the Law stand in't, up Coverd under
The Mercy Seate, that Throne of Graces Wonder.
Thou art my Tabernacle, Temple right,
My Cleansing, Holiness, Atonement, Food,
My Righteousness, My Guide of Temple Light
In to the Holy Holies, (as is shewd)
My Oracle, Arke, Mercy Seat: the place
Of Cherubims amazde at such rich grace.
Thou art my Medium to God, thou art
My Medium of Worship done to thee,
And of Divine Communion, Sweet heart!
Oh Heavenly intercourse!. Yee Angells see!
Art thou my Temple, Lord? Then thou Most Choice
Art Angells Play-House, and Saints Paradise.
Thy Temples Influences stick on mee,
That I in Holy Love may stow my heart
Upon thyselfe, and on my God in thee,
And with thy Holiness guild Every part
Of me. And I will as I walke herein
Thy Glory thee in Temple Musick bring.
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