Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 64: Can. 6.11. To see — if the Vine Flowrisht, and the Pomegranate bud

Oh! that my Chilly Fancy, fluttering soe,
Was Elevated with a dram of Wine
The Grapes and Pomegranates do yield, that grow
Upon thy Gardens Appletrees and Vines.
It shouldst have liquour with a flavour fraight
To pensil out thy Vines and Pomgranates.

But I, as dry, as is a Chip, scarce get
A peep hole through thy garden pales at these,
Thy garden plants. How should I then ere set
The glory out of its brave Cherry trees?
Then make my fancy, Lord, thy pen t'unfold
Thy Vines and Pomegranates in liquid gold.

Whence come thy garden plants? So brave? So Choice?
They Almugs be'nt from Ophirs golden land:
But Vines and Pomegranates of Paradise
Spicknard, Sweet Cane, and Cynamon plants here stand.
What heavenly aire is breezing in this Coast?
Here blows the Trade winde of the Holy Ghost.

Thy Pomegranates that blushy freckles ware
Under their pleasant jackets spirituall frize,
And Vines, though Feeble, fine, and flowrishing are
Not Sibmahs, but mount Zions here arise.
Here best of Vines, and Pomegranates up hight,
Yea Sharons Rose, and Carmels Lillies White.

These trees are reev'd with Gilliads balm each one
Myrrh trees, and Lign Aloes: Frankincense,
Here planted grow; heres Saffron Cynamon
Spicknard and Calamus with Spice Ensenc'd.
Oh fairest garden: evry bed doth beare
All brave blown flowers whose breath is heavenly aire.

Make me thy Vine and Pomegranate to be
And in thy garden flowrish fruitfully
And in their branches bowre, there then to thee
In sweetend breath shall come sweet melody.
My Spirit then engrapd and pomegranat'de
Shall sweetly sing thee o're thy garden gated.
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