Psalm 138
O Lord, my God, with zeal intenseI will declare the pious sense
Which my whole bosom warms,
I will return my lively thanks,
And that before cherubic ranks,
And glorious archangelic forms.
I will direct my face to pray
Betimes before the rising ray
Where stands thine eastern shrine;
For truth and love, thy word and name
Are far beyond what thought can frame,
Or utmost study can combine.
What time to thee thro' Christ I cry'd,
Thy kind attention was apply'd;
And when my soul was faint,
In him her vigour she renew'd,
And her celestial flight pursu'd
From grievous illness and restraint.
All kings and potentates that be,
Shall learn and give the praise to thee,
O Lord, for Christ his sake;
For they thy gospel have perus'd,
The words which GRACE to guilt infus'd
As humbl'd in the flesh he spake.
Yea, instituted in the ways
Which Christian verity displays,
They shall rejoice with songs,
That Christ is magnitude and might,
That glory to the Lord of right
And sempiternal fame belongs.
For tho' the Lord our God be high,
And tow'rs beyond the mental eye,
He yet regards the poor;
And for the sons of pomp and scoff
He keeps them at a distance off,
Nor can such insolence endure.
What tho' I walk along the road
Of life, while thorns of anguish goad,
Thou shalt my way refresh;
Thy hand outstretched shall controul
The furious hunters of my soul,
The Devil, the sinful world and flesh.
The Lord, which dy'd upon the rood,
Shall with my soul his peace conclude,
And to his promise stand;
Thy loving kindnesses to men
Endure for ever, scorn not then
The chosen vessels of thine hand.English
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