Psalm 63

Abba, father, my dependence
Is on thee, thou most benign,
Early will I pay attendance,
O my God, before thy shrine.

Hear I languish for thy blessing,
Spirits faint and wearied out;
Thirst and grievous heat oppressing
In a land of dearth and drought.

Thus in pray'r I have expected
That thou wouldst thy mercy show'r,
And mine eyes might be directed
Where thy glory comes in pow'r.

For thy charity is better
Than the life that is thy loan,
I profess myself thy debtor,
And my lips thy praise shall own.

Long as I that life inherit
I will give the laud to thee,
In the flesh and in the spirit
Lifted hands and bended knee.

In this dreary situation,
As with dainties I shall fare,
While my lips in exultation
Bless the sure effects of pray'r.

When I to my rest surrender,
Are not thoughts of thee my dream?
Do I not, when waking, tender
Homage to thy pow'r supreme?

For secure of thy protection,
In the shadow of thy wings,
With due rev'rence and affection
My delighted spirit clings.

Thy benignities embolden
Souls that to thy truth adhere;
And thy right hand has upholden
Mine infirmities and fear.

These that seek my soul to wound her,
In th' unhospitable waste,
That deserve to sink around her,
And the pangs of terror taste;

Threaten'd with the sword's perdition,
Destin'd to the beasts for food—
Give them, Christ, to true contrition,
Let them be with grace renew'd.

Thus the king shall be victorious
In the Lord's thrice-honour'd name;
While the wicked and vain-glorious
Shall be put to silent shame.
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