Psalm 85
O Lord, thy land has favour found
And mercy speeds again,
To loosen Israel ty'd and bound
In Satan's irksome chain.
Thy grace to Jacob's chosen seed
With their remorse begins,
And Christ, the merit that we plead,
Has cover'd all our sins.
With them thou deignedst to betroth
Thou art no more displeas'd,
And God the Father's righteous wrath
Is thro' his son appeas'd.
O Lord, the Saviour of the poor,
Anew our hearts create,
And make the world's salvation sure
From its abandon'd state.
When Christ his tears our sins efface,
Can goodness ever fail,
And after this stupendous grace
Shall vice again prevail?
Wilt thou not reconcile our souls
To their eternal rest,
And glad our hearts, as Christ enrolls
Our name among the blest?
O Lord thy bounteous mercy shew
And these thy people spare,
And with thy saving health endue
The penitents at pray'r.
I will to my supreme content
The word of Christ explore—
“The heavenly king's at hand, repent,
And go and sin no more.”
Whene'er a faithful two or three
Attend the warning peal,
There Christ himself delights to be
His glories to reveal.
Thy truth and mercy for increase
Of love have met in bliss,
Stern righteousness and gentle peace
Have join'd the holy kiss.
From Christ the branch fair truth shall sprout
And bloom again on earth,
And justifying grace come out
From heav'n at Shilo's birth.
Yea, God's benevolence shall beam
As Satan's pow'r he stops,
And men and earth reform'd shall teem
With grace and fruitful crops.
A gracious message shall apprize
The world of better days;
His sermons, precepts, pray'r revise
And regulate our ways.
And mercy speeds again,
To loosen Israel ty'd and bound
In Satan's irksome chain.
Thy grace to Jacob's chosen seed
With their remorse begins,
And Christ, the merit that we plead,
Has cover'd all our sins.
With them thou deignedst to betroth
Thou art no more displeas'd,
And God the Father's righteous wrath
Is thro' his son appeas'd.
O Lord, the Saviour of the poor,
Anew our hearts create,
And make the world's salvation sure
From its abandon'd state.
When Christ his tears our sins efface,
Can goodness ever fail,
And after this stupendous grace
Shall vice again prevail?
Wilt thou not reconcile our souls
To their eternal rest,
And glad our hearts, as Christ enrolls
Our name among the blest?
O Lord thy bounteous mercy shew
And these thy people spare,
And with thy saving health endue
The penitents at pray'r.
I will to my supreme content
The word of Christ explore—
“The heavenly king's at hand, repent,
And go and sin no more.”
Whene'er a faithful two or three
Attend the warning peal,
There Christ himself delights to be
His glories to reveal.
Thy truth and mercy for increase
Of love have met in bliss,
Stern righteousness and gentle peace
Have join'd the holy kiss.
From Christ the branch fair truth shall sprout
And bloom again on earth,
And justifying grace come out
From heav'n at Shilo's birth.
Yea, God's benevolence shall beam
As Satan's pow'r he stops,
And men and earth reform'd shall teem
With grace and fruitful crops.
A gracious message shall apprize
The world of better days;
His sermons, precepts, pray'r revise
And regulate our ways.
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