Psalm the Sixth Paraphras'd

Lord, when thy fearful Indignation Burns,
And all thy Mildness into Anger turns,
When Mercy sleeps a while, and Justice wakes,
And Vengeance on the Trembling Sinner takes,
O! then, O! then, thy Triple Scourge forbear,
Thy David , O! thy guilty David spare.
I bend already to the galling Yoke,
Weak is my Body, and my Bones are broke;
My fleshy Fabric, Lord , is all unsound,
O! pour thy healing Balm into my Wound;
Uneasy Thoughts sit heavy on my Breast,
My Soul is with the mighty Load opprest;
But, Lord , how long wilt thou deny me Rest?
How long shall I unto my God complain?
Turn thy redeeming Hand, O! turn again:
I sink, I sink into the dismal Lake!
Save me! O save me for thy Mercy's Sake!
On this side Death thy pitying Ear I crave,
For who remembers thee within the Grave?
Can the mute Tomb its thankful Off'rings raise,
Or breathless Clay grow eloquent, and praise?
Repeated Sighs my sickly Body wear,
And strong Convulsive Groans my Entrails tear;
My Tears perpetual as the Night-Dew fall,
Water my Couch, and wash my Bed with Gall;
Sorrow has all my Blood and Spirits drunk,
My Cheeks are faded, and my Eyes are sunk.
My taunting Enemies around me boast,
Deride my former Strength, and Vigour lost;
But haste away! ye impious Scorners, fly,
The Lord in Pity has observ'd my Cry;
The Lord again his bended Suppliant hears,
Grants his Petition, and receives his Tears:
My scornful Foes shall tremble at his Name,
And in their sudden Flight confess their Shame.
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