Psalmes of David, The - Psalm 31
All, all my trust, Lord, haue I put in Thee,
Never, therfore, let me confounded be,
But saue me, saue me in Thy righteousness:
Bow down Thy eare to heare how much I need;
Deliver me, deliver me in speed;
Be my strong rock, be Thou my forteress.
In deed Thou art my rock, my forteress;
Then since my tongue delights that Name to blesse,
Direct me how to go, and guide me right;
Preserue me from the wyly trapping net
Which they for me with privy craft haue set,
For still I say Thou art my only might.
Into Thy hands I do commend my sprite,
For it is Thou that hast restord my light,
O Lord, that art the God of verity.
I hated haue those men whose thoughts do cleaue
To vanitys, which most trust most deceaue,
For all my hope fixt vpon God doth ly.
Thy mercy shall fill me with jollity,
For my annoyes haue come before Thyne eye;
Thou well hast known what plung my soul was in,
And Thou hast not for aye enclosed me
Within the hand of hatefull enmity,
But hast enlargd my feet from mortall ginn.
O Lord, of Thee let me still mercy winn,
For troubles of all sides haue me within;
My eye, my gutts, yea my soul, grief doth wast;
My life with heavyness, my yeares with moane,
Do pine; my strength with pain is wholy gon,
And even my bones consume where they be plac't.
All my fierce foes on me reproach did cast,
Yea, neighbors; more, my mates were sore agast,
That in the streets from sight of me they fled:
Now I, now I my self forgotten find,
Ev'n like a dead man dreamed out of mind,
Or like a broken pott in myer tredd.
I understand what rayling great men spred;
Feare was each where, while they their counsells led
All to this point, how my poore life to take;
But I did trust in Thee. Lord, I did say,
" Thou art my God, on Thee my time doth stay;"
Saue me from foes who for my bane do seake.
Thy face to shine vpon Thy servant make,
And saue me in and for Thy mercy's sake;
Let me not tast of shame, O Lord most high;
For I haue call'd on Thee; let wicked folk
Confounded be, and pass away like smoake;
Let them in bedd of endless silence dy.
Let those lips be made dumb which loue to ly,
Which, full of spight, of pride, and cruelty,
Do throw their words against the most vpright.
Oh, of thy grace what endlesse pleasure flowes
To whom feare Thee! what Thou hast done for those
That trust in Thee, ev'n in most open sight!
And when neede were, from prowde in privy plight
Thou hast hid them, yet leaving them Thy light,
From strife of tongues, in Thy pavilions plac't
Then prayse, then prayse I do the Lord of vs,
Who was to me more than most gracious,
Farr, farr more sure then walls most firmly fast.
Yet I confess in that tempestuous hast
I said that I from out Thy sight was cast;
But Thou didst heare when I to Thee did cry.
Then loue the Lord, all ye that feel His grace,
For this our Lord preserues the faithfull race;
Be strong in hope, His strength shall you supply.
All, all my trust, Lord, haue I put in Thee,
Never, therfore, let me confounded be,
But saue me, saue me in Thy righteousness:
Bow down Thy eare to heare how much I need;
Deliver me, deliver me in speed;
Be my strong rock, be Thou my forteress.
In deed Thou art my rock, my forteress;
Then since my tongue delights that Name to blesse,
Direct me how to go, and guide me right;
Preserue me from the wyly trapping net
Which they for me with privy craft haue set,
For still I say Thou art my only might.
Into Thy hands I do commend my sprite,
For it is Thou that hast restord my light,
O Lord, that art the God of verity.
I hated haue those men whose thoughts do cleaue
To vanitys, which most trust most deceaue,
For all my hope fixt vpon God doth ly.
Thy mercy shall fill me with jollity,
For my annoyes haue come before Thyne eye;
Thou well hast known what plung my soul was in,
And Thou hast not for aye enclosed me
Within the hand of hatefull enmity,
But hast enlargd my feet from mortall ginn.
O Lord, of Thee let me still mercy winn,
For troubles of all sides haue me within;
My eye, my gutts, yea my soul, grief doth wast;
My life with heavyness, my yeares with moane,
Do pine; my strength with pain is wholy gon,
And even my bones consume where they be plac't.
All my fierce foes on me reproach did cast,
Yea, neighbors; more, my mates were sore agast,
That in the streets from sight of me they fled:
Now I, now I my self forgotten find,
Ev'n like a dead man dreamed out of mind,
Or like a broken pott in myer tredd.
I understand what rayling great men spred;
Feare was each where, while they their counsells led
All to this point, how my poore life to take;
But I did trust in Thee. Lord, I did say,
" Thou art my God, on Thee my time doth stay;"
Saue me from foes who for my bane do seake.
Thy face to shine vpon Thy servant make,
And saue me in and for Thy mercy's sake;
Let me not tast of shame, O Lord most high;
For I haue call'd on Thee; let wicked folk
Confounded be, and pass away like smoake;
Let them in bedd of endless silence dy.
Let those lips be made dumb which loue to ly,
Which, full of spight, of pride, and cruelty,
Do throw their words against the most vpright.
Oh, of thy grace what endlesse pleasure flowes
To whom feare Thee! what Thou hast done for those
That trust in Thee, ev'n in most open sight!
And when neede were, from prowde in privy plight
Thou hast hid them, yet leaving them Thy light,
From strife of tongues, in Thy pavilions plac't
Then prayse, then prayse I do the Lord of vs,
Who was to me more than most gracious,
Farr, farr more sure then walls most firmly fast.
Yet I confess in that tempestuous hast
I said that I from out Thy sight was cast;
But Thou didst heare when I to Thee did cry.
Then loue the Lord, all ye that feel His grace,
For this our Lord preserues the faithfull race;
Be strong in hope, His strength shall you supply.
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